I wondered if the company for which I’m now working could pay your fees to write an article [for that magazine] that mentions them. As more people take grant writing work, this is a biggie. It was a long-term client for whom I’d written a resume, but she kept taking on more than she could do and hired me to write for her when she went to school. Employees having a high ethical standard are paramount to the success of any organization and acting in an unethical manner will almost ultimately destroy it. . Great point Darnell! Others come about due to utter ignorance of journalistic and scholarly ethics. I have some friends who are into academic writing. Chinchilla computer program codes and many more. I said, “No way, that’s dishonest.” He persisted. … Greed can be a cause of unethical behavior, having a financial gain, and the type of environment that you are working in. These weren’t reviews per se but they wanted to artificially spark conversation around their brand. At first, Little Albert was exposed to a variety of sights and sounds, … I have heard a lot about this from professional grantwriters, that if they get that offer, they run. Would it make a difference how much better a golfer the coach was, how much the client could use the prize money and status boost, or how “businesslike” was the arrangement between coach and client? Please tell me you’re joking. It’s up to us to be the educators there and to keep it honest. Here’s a taste from one of the emails (names and details removed to protect the guilty): “I came across an article you wrote for X Magazine. It’s not just that they are cheating people who believe that such students are proving their competency through writing or that they are cheating the other students who actually wrote their own theses and dissertations. Giacalone, Mark, D., Handbook of Unethical Work Behavior, (2012), Sharpe, M.E. Yike! Awesome. I can’t imagine he’d pay more than a few bucks…hoping writers just steer clear of this sort of thing. The student could be expelled for cheating if they use that school paper they buy online from that assignment-mill. 2. I still shake my head at the fact that essay mills exist; can’t imagine using one (as a student or writer) and feeling good about it. This is a great example of unethical research and the affect it has. I’ll edit someone’s paper, but I keep it strictly to punctuation and grammar. But so help me, if I get on the wrong side of the law and need a lawyer, I want them to have personally done every single piece of their law degree coursework, from 101 up. Another way that managers can encourage ethical behavior is by making sure they hire and recruit ethical people. It’s dishonest to buy papers online and then pretend they are your own work. Retrieved from http://studymoose.com/unethical-behavior-essay. I need to go back to grading students. Those sound pretty tame compared to some of the offers I’ve seen on bidding sites. Wal-mart is well-known for their unethical business practices concerning employees. Thanks for clearing it up in mind! Here are three common writing assignments that are, shall we say, ethically challenged? Some employees only feel or want to know what’s in it for them and if they can get away with it. My conscience asked me, “Can you give an opinion about something you have never tried?” And would I try out something (especially skincare products that can damage my skin) for the sake of little money? This is usually as a result of being desperate to make money as early as possible. Hi Jennifer — not surprised to hear this was a hot topic. I guess another question is the question of ethics. Yet students willingly cut and paste from other sources acting as though it’s their original work without a second thought. It’s in their nature and they will never learn or overcome this disease. If someone genuinely wants to help they’d mentor and guide the other person, not handicap him. Let a Professional Expert Help You, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. First and foremost, to prevent unethical … But trust me, it won’t be worth it when you’re found out and banned from the publication. So thank you for that one. I don’t find it to be unethical on my part as long as I work hard to get them a good grade. on web? This will let every employee know what is expected of them and what their responsibility is to the company ethically. The company is Y. But now students can do it so easily and shamelessly that they don’t even consider it unethical anymore. Not me. There is so much corruption in business today that the true meaning of ethical behavior has almost been forgotten. I responded, “Um, no, I don’t have to do anything illegal, immoral or unethical.” I was removed from her care. Wouldn’t it be great if every writing assignment you were offered was a terrific one? How about writing “independent” gambling site reviews? The general public a favour because they know to stay away from crappy restaurants/products/businesses because all the reviews are truthful. Why users still use to read news papers when in this technological globe everything is accessible It’s unethical as it wastes the time of journal reviewers, publication resources, and renders no benefit to humanity or sci… This is a problem with the current view of higher education: that it works like a store, where you choose something, pay for it and expect immediate enjoyment of the benefits of the product. Ethic Icky #3: Having never written for a magazine before, am REALLY glad you mentioned this. Lots of interesting questions. Such a practice is done by authors to increase their number of publications. The student a favour by making them put in their own work and learn a hell of a lot more than if they had their paper written for them For example, if you are writing this statement as a prerequisite for a scholarship, you will have to write about your personal ethics regarding academics and related activities. Some do, some don’t…and some will only if the stuff is REALLY great. For freelancers it’s a piece of cake, for students just learning it’s a struggle. While people asking a grant writer to do this will say this allows the grant writer to “share the risk”, it also promotes the risk of padding the grant request, and foundations are always on the lookout for it when they review money requests. Wish I could be a permanent college student. I have just landed a client who wants me to write some articles but also get it published. Class begins Wednesday. You pay for the teacher’s time in preparing courses and grading your stuff, you pay for the environment and the structure where learning can be achieved. If it did entitle you to that, then my slacker teen who decided not to go to class all third quarter would still be sailing along at his university instead of having to retake classes and pay all over again. Employees should know and understand what’s expected of them and what their obligations are when it comes to not engaging in unethical behavior. College papers are supposed to be written by the student, so a teacher can assess their writing ability. And yes, schools are huge on these ethical issues and students think nothing of hiring it done or buying it to get by. To sum up the whole post, lying is not OK in any aspect of your freelance writing life. When you approach a publication honestly, “I’m working for this client, could we contribute something about what they do at no charge to you?” it’s all good. Photo credit: jasminedirectory.com. Just yesterday, a “friend” of mine asked me to write his dissertation for me. They don’t understand academic writing is not an assurance that you’re knowledgeable but its “cheating”. And there’s nothing unethical about it — as long as everybody understand what’s happening. Table of Contents. And while one may argue that the emphasis on essays gives unfair advantage to those with better-developed writing talent, the fact remains that having someone else write the essay will result in a product that presents about as effective a judgment standard as store-bought bread would for the server’s own baking ability. Every journalist should know that lying is an unforgivable offense when it comes to writing their stories. Worst that happens is they say ‘no’ and they don’t want to run it, but that’s out of your control. Trust me, continuing to use one will serve you well in the end, and keep you from getting involved in a lot of gray- and black-hat stuff that’s out there online. Bottomline — as was mentioned, the purpose of the student doing the writing is to 1) learn the process of writing, 2) learn the process of quoting other sources, and 3) learn the process of researching, reviewing the literature, and writing a summary of all the literature and how it applies to the topic. Even less so if my mileage is ruined because *I* failed to check the map and got lost; turned into a clearly marked blind alley and spent five minutes maneuvering to turn around; or took the wrong highway exit and wound up in a ten-mile detour. The grants professionals association (and others) are very vocal about this being unethical because the funder is funding a project, not a grant writer. This essay will provide some basic ethical guidelines that apply to organizations, why unethical behavior is happening in the workplace, and finally, it will identify ways in which management and organizations can encourage ethical behavior. This speaks to a problem I have (or had really). Saying that it’s okay for a student to buy a paper because otherwise they’d get a bad grade is basically saying that it’s okay for someone to pay for a diploma without ensuring that they actually know what they’re supposed to know. Thanks Carol – this article comes at a good time for me. I just got an email from someone yesterday proposing something like that, but it sounded fishy, so I took a pass…especially after they dodged all my questions and gave me the oh-so-reassuring response, “You can absolutely trust us” when I called them on it! Yeah, you gotta snort sometimes. I think anyone who hasn’t had journalism training could run afoul of this one without realizing they’re doing something wrong…one of the reasons we spend so much time on these sort of ethical issues in 4-Week Journalism School. Everyone has different thoughts and feelings about what makes for offensive or unethical ads. In the following sections, you’ll find six examples of unethical … Say you’d be happy to contract with them as their writing coach–just not as their ghostwriter. Thank you so much for this post and particularly for sharing number one!! Senior leaders can appoint a chief compliance or an ethics officer to drive the program’s success. They consistently place profits before the health of their employees. I’m surprised those essay sites are allowed to exist. I want them to have thought of their own answers to the posed questions, and done their own damn research to support that. Wow. Or did you skip the no-plagiarism part of your college classes? I made big money at it, as people paid well, but the ethics was wrong. But it’s much easier to scam via the Web. Some common examples … You probably just spared me some future angst. Having deadlines to meet and high expectations or maybe even constant pressure from managers, co-workers, and clients could cause someone to engage in an unethical behavior. It seems as though many professionals can get tied up in their own success that they disregard the importance of being ethical. Or consider attending 4-Week Journalism School — we spend a whole week on how to avoid getting fired or sued over what you write. But yeah, these things are a bane on the online instructor’s existence. Fairness is another example of not being unethical. I do sometimes pitch articles on behalf of my copywriting client, but my client and I agreed that I should always identify myself in my bio as “Marketing Consultatnt for xxxx” or something similar to keep things transparent. But starting a journey late to avoid unethical assignments is a wise decision writers must take to enjoy a lifetime of writing. As long as you don’t try to pretend you’re an independent writer who just thinks this company is amazing and wants to pitch a profile for which you’ll be paid, you’re fine. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) will not allow anyone in their worldwide membership to do this, and will throw out any member they learn does this. Your explanations of how you justified behaving badly in your own head will not help you preserve your reputation. Leaders should always demonstrate their commitment to modeling ethical behavior. How “ easy ” writing is not the format of the code of ethics and follow normally. Not illegal get by something, I believe, what they consider to unethical... From them anymore their investment by paying for a university to charge so money. Is right or wrong decide what they consider to be the educators teaching our children today! 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