Female plastrons will be either flat or slightly convex. Females can also grow inches bigger than males in some species. Adult female painted turtles are bigger than the males, with typical plastron -- or bottom shell -- lengths of between roughly 4 and 5 inches. The method takes from a few weeks to a few months and is most easily done in springtime when warming weather intrigues doves to breed. You can check the individual care sheets for more information on that here https://www.allturtles.com/tortoise-species/, Turtle Eyes (What Can They See & What Issues Do they Have). When the tail is relaxed, the cloaca is situated behind the rim of the shell. Determining Turtle Gender: Turtles are egg laying reptiles, which means that they have sexual organs that are different than those of mammals. Males openings will be much larger and wider in comparison to females smaller egg shaped openings. Last update: Oct 17, 2020 1 answer. For example, male red-eared or painted turtles will have longer fingernails than their female counterparts. Basically, the penis tip can be seen peeking out from behind the testicles which may also be harder to see with some babies at times. Flow of urine: The flow of urine can sometimes be spotted in … The temperature of the developing eggs is what decides whether the offspring will be male or female. It’s almost impossible to determine the gender of a baby or juvenile turtle. Not only will dropping the turtle scare it half to death, but it could be seriously hurt by a fall.   This may be harder to see with some babies, which is why there are multiple signs to look for during an ultrasound. Female Red Eared Slider. You can have a look here https://www.allturtles.com/best-pet-tortoises/ to see the different types. If just the tail tip shows when the turtle extends the tail, it is most likely female. So to be able to find out you will have to wait for the turtle to reach maturity. Maders. Pick up your turtle carefully. Take a peek at the underside of your turtle. Males shells are slightly sunken in on the bottom so they can stay on the female while they're making and wont just slide off. This Desert Tortoise looks like a female. Wash your hands after handling any turtle. This trait is also present on the box turtles and some semi aquatic water turtles. In addition, certain species of male turtles have a scale at the tip. Another factor to consider when finding out whether a turtle is male or female is to calculate the length of the tail. Thus, there are a number of signs to look for it. These species feature female-choice mating systems, in which males vie for the attention of a female. That pretty much does it for this guide on sexing turtles and tortoises. Male sea turtles (except leatherbacks) have elongated, curved claws on their front flippers to help them grasp the female when mating. On most male turtles, the shell is slightly concave. Click here to check out our complete guide and check out the video too! Males normally have longer tails and claws. Steps Examining the Turtle’s Shell. I do, however, suggest that if you see fangs on your turtle, you set him carefully down and run for cover just in case. Until then, you can only assume. Art. Most male turtles will have longer, thicker tails than females will to contain the male's phallus. Males have their genitals in their tails, so their tails will extend out from beyond their shells significantly. Explore. Photography. How To Tell If A Turtle Is Male Or Female Pet Turtle Turtle Habitat Turtle Facts . In some turtle species, the fingernails/claws or overall size can be an indicator of gender. The cloacal opening of the female C. p. marginata on the right is much closer to the base of the tail. Russian Tortoise Male Female; Tail: Have a long, thin and pointed tail with its cloaca shaped like a tiny slit close to the tip of the tail. Sagittal sign: If the caudal notch is pointing upward at more than a 30-degree angle, then the fetus is a boy.If it is somewhere in between, it may be harder to make a definitive determination. Male turtles have just the opposite. You can tell the age of your turtle by looking at the layers on the turtles scute. Also, male turtle tails will be slightly longer and wider at the base than a female. About 40% of the 400 shark species lay eggs. If the eggs incubate above 87.8° Fahrenheit, however, the hatchlings will be female. The easiest way to tell the gender of a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta) or painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) is to look at the animal's fingernails. Is your turtle a Donna or a Donny? In this article, I’ll give you some tips to help you figure out the gender of your pet turtle. They are considerably smaller than the males. This is so he doesn’t fall off the female during the mating process. The first thing that I discovered was that this is an incredibly tricky thing. Im just wondering what gender my turtles are. In some turtle species, the fingernails/claws or overall size can be an indicator of gender. Provide a nesting box to each pair, which can be as simple as a plastic bowl with a handful of straw. Understanding painted turtle's mature sizes can be helpful for determining gender. Water turtles are dimorphic which is why the females will be significantly larger than the males. The male has a shell that is much lighter in colour than that of the female, whose shell grows darker with age. Looking at the bottom of the tortoise’s shell you will immediately be able to tell the difference between a male and female given that on males it will be concave (meaning it goes inward). Check it out to really become an expert! The females and males of snapping turtles are about the same size. An adult female turtle has a slightly longer shell than an adult male has. First off if you pick the tortoise up and turn it over gently take a look at the plastron. Best Answer. Hi. Then, divide that number in half to get a general estimate of the turtle's age. Most male turtles will have longer, thicker tails than females will to contain the male's phallus. I think it is a male and a female, because the shape of the notch is formed as a V on one of them, and as a U on the other one. Females tails will be much shorter and the opening or the cloaca will be much closer to the base rather than towards the end of the tail. look at its tail, if its butt hole is farther down the tail its a male. This video shows a male and female turtle and highlights their differences: It has also been said that the eyes of male turtles may be bright red, but this is also unreliable because some females have been seen with red eyes as well. However, the sex of most turtles, alligators, and crocodiles is determined after fertilization. One additional thing to note on the tails is that the vent (cloaca) will be located near the tip of the tail. Generally, the females are larger than the males, so observing and comparing the difference in size can be decisive in … Male red eared sliders have a convex plastron in order to easily climb on the females during mating. It can be difficult to determine a turtle’s gender, more so than for other animals, but there are a few ways to find out if your turtle is a he or a she. The method takes from a few weeks to a few months and is most easily done in springtime when warming weather intrigues doves to breed. The cloacal opening of the male Painted turtle on the left (same C. p. picta / C. p. marginata intergrade as above) is lower on the tail, past the end of the carapace. There’s plenty of picture of both Turtles and Tortoises so you can make that distinction yourself. It’s hard to tell the sex of very young box turtles, but once they get to be a few inches long (usually about 3 to 3.5 inches), you can start to see the differences between the sexes. On the underside of the males shell it tends to be for lack of a better word caved in. How do you tell a turtle's gender? It can get costly, so if you want to take home your Sam or Sally, consider the cost and can make sure they will be as happy with you as they would be in the wild. The opening, or cloaca, is positioned at the base of the tail near the body on a female turtle. A Joe or a Josephine? The next step in determining the gender of your red eared slider is looking at its tail. When sea turtles are juveniles, it is very difficult to tell their sex by eye as they do not differ externally. Photography Subjects. The tail may extend past the hind flippers. Photography Subjects. As always, if you ever have a concern about your turtle, the first place to go is to your veterinarian. This is where you can see the tip of the penis peeking out from behind the testicles. Depending on the type of turtle females tend to be bigger than males. Males normally have longer tails and claws. In order to use this trait they should have reached a size larger than 6 inches. Thus, there are a number of signs to look for it. First, measure the turtle from tip to tail. I hope this helps. Some say that the shape of the shell itself is an indicator, but the upper shell (carapace) shape can vary from species to species and is not a reliable indicator. A picture would do, if you want to know the species, and you cannot tell how old your turtle is unless you know the exact date it hatched. Male Mississippi map turtles grow from about 3 1/2 inches to about 5 inches long, measuring along the shell from the head to the tail. Size of the turtle; Color of the turtle; Position of the cloaca; So those are the things that you will have to look at to determine if your red eared slider is male or female. This helps to accommodate the length of the penis since this reproductive organ needs to be brought close to the female’s reproductive organ during mating for fertilization to occur. This helps to accommodate the length of the penis since this reproductive organ needs to be brought close to the female’s reproductive organ during mating for fertilization to occur. It's a really common question! In most species, gender is determined during fertilization. This is because they use them to touch the face of the female to gauge their openness to mating. This is an simple and efficient method to determine the gender of your turtle. Look at the size of your map turtle compared to the size of another Mississippi map turtle. But you can also be fooled, hope this helps a little. When they are not real young, like this one, you can tell their gender by looking at the "gular", see above. Art. Water turtles like the mud turtle are more of a display pet, than one to handle, they may or may not bite but can be docile in nature. thats my current filtration set up. Although there are differences among the many species of turtle, thankfully some characteristics are quite similar between all of them. Female turtles have short and skinny tails while males sport long, thick tails, with their vent (cloaca) positioned closer to the end of the tail when compared to a female. Posted on Last updated: August 14, 2020 By: Author Brock Yates. This Desert Tortoise looks like a female. The turtle’s shell, or carapace, differs slightly between male and female. Female turtles have a short tail, which generally doesn’t extend more than 10 cm (4 inches) past the edge of the … Also bear in mind that turtles can carry and transmit salmonella to humans. But you can also be fooled, hope this helps a little. Turtle Gender by: Yen You can tell the sex of a turtle by also its size. Basically, the penis tip can be seen peeking out from behind the testicles which may also be harder to see with some babies at times. First of look at the front legs and the size of their nails. Understanding painted turtle's mature sizes can be helpful for determining gender. For instance, if the turtle had 14 rings, you can guess that the turtle is 7 years old, as every 2 rings may represent a year. The easiest way is to look at the plastron (the underbelly) of the turtle. This is also a female Desert Tortoise. Last update: Oct 17, 2020 1 answer. Scutes are what makes a turtles shell look quilted. Turtles can live very long lives and require plenty of space (i.e., a big tank) as well as special ultraviolet lights to be at their healthiest. Provide a nesting box to each pair, which can be as simple as a plastic bowl with a handful of straw. The plastron can be used as a good pointer for understanding the gender of a turtle. The one with the U-formed notch is also much bigger than the other one. You may not be able to be 100% sure until they reach sexual maturity, which can take up to 10 years! The males will use their fingernails to stimulate a female's cheeks and test receptivity. On the underside of the males shell it tends to be for lack of a … For example, male red-eared or painted turtles will have longer fingernails than their female counterparts. This unfortunately is not a universal trait for all water turtles, but if you use this in combination with the other things below it will give you a pretty good answer. Look at your turtle’s shell. And no, red eyes are not indicative of a vampire turtle. The turtle’s shell, or carapace, differs slightly between male and female. Russian Tortoise Male Female; Tail: Have a long, thin and pointed tail with its cloaca shaped like a tiny slit close to the tip of the tail. In some species, such as bamboo sharks, the female lays eggs outside of her body (oviparous). You may not be able to be 100% sure until they reach sexual maturity, which can take up to 10 years! Male and female red eared sliders have slightly different tails. The differences that I will easily apply to all common pet turtles, there are over 300 turtle species and for some of them those differences won’t necessarily help you determine the gender, but if you want to find out the gender of your pet turtle, or a turtle that you found in the wild than they should be great for you. However, after reaching sexual maturity male sea turtles develop a long tail, which houses the reproductive organ.The tail may extend past the hind flippers. If the turtle’s cloaca, the orifice in which its sex organs are located and through which it excretes waste, is located halfway between the turtle’s body and the tip of its tail, it is probably male. Did it help you? Injuries — such as attacks by predators or the unfortunate mishandling by humans — can also alter the shape of the carapace. Nov 15, 2019 - How can I tell the gender of my turtle or tortoise? The cloaca of a male is located well beyond the edge of the turtle’s shell, while the female's tail lies inside it. The next step in determining the gender of your red eared slider is looking at its tail. To tell a turtle's age, start by counting the number of rings inside one of the scales on the turtle's shell. The male turtle usually has a concave in its plastron that makes it easier for it to climb on the female during mating. Nov 15, 2019 - How can I tell the gender of my turtle or tortoise? I am looking to get my 9 year old daughter a turtle. 2  This may be harder to see with some babies, which is why there … If you only have one turtle, then look for as many clues as possible to try to determine the turtle's gender. This guide is aimed at helping you solve that issue. Scutes are what makes a turtles shell look quilted. Typical plastron lengths for mature males are between a little less than 3 inches and a little less than 4 inches. A female’s anus is usually before the end of the carapacial rim. The turtle’s shell, or carapace, differs slightly between male and female. Unlike most animals turtles reach maturity not only based on age, but on size as well. 8 Ways to tell whether a Turtle is Male or Female - YouTube Briefly, we should touch on whether scooping up a turtle that you found at the side of the road is a good idea. Now, on some breeds of tortoises this may be the only thing you can use to determine the sex of the tortoise. If you only have one turtle, then look for as many clues as possible to try to determine the turtle's gender. See the enlargement. Turtle Gender by: Yen You can tell the sex of a turtle by also its size. As with most animals you can often tell gender by looks. The turtle sign (Boy) When the ultrasound technician is looking for the turtle sign, he’s most probably looking for a boy. A turtle will have rings whether in captivity or the wild. Female's bottom shells are flat. The easiest way to tell the gender of a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta) or painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) is to look at the animal's fingernails. A zoology student investigated whether it's true that the gender of turtles depends on the temperature A scientist hypothesizes that temperature affects the gender of a species of turtle. Females on the other hand are considerable larger once they have reached maturity. Adult female painted turtles are bigger than the males, with typical plastron -- or bottom shell -- lengths of between roughly 4 and 5 inches. It’s hard to tell the sex of very young box turtles, but once they get to be a few inches long (usually about 3 to 3.5 inches), you can start to see the differences between the sexes. The turtle is characterised by its soft pancake-shaped shell and snorkel-like nose. Look at the colour of the turtle. Check it out to really become an expert. On males the nails are quite long which surprisingly are also used to tickle the necks of the females when they are courting. Look at your turtle’s shell. Look at your turtle’s shell. Is this a turtle that won't bite or be aggressive? Typical plastron lengths for mature males are between a little less than 3 inches and a little less than 4 inches. You can easily tell the sex of your turtle by examining their tail. By carefully observing these parts on adult turtles you can easily distinguish a … The males will use their fingernails to stimulate a female's cheeks and test receptivity. Female turtles have a short tail, which generally doesn’t extend more than 10 cm (4 inches) past the edge of the carapace. If the turtles are the same age, or are both fully grown, you should be able to guess at the gender of the turtle. look at its tail, if its butt hole is farther down … Male Mississippi map turtles grow from about 3 1/2 inches to about 5 inches long, measuring along the shell from the head to the tail. One difference that newcomers to German notice right away has to do with word gender. A female turtle will have a very short and skinny tail. Also males tend to have longer tails than females, again to aid in mating. Placental viviparous sharks give birth in a way similar to mammals—the … Plus, your vet will probably do the dreaded anus check for you – if you ask nicely. The shell underneath the tortoise is called the plastron. If your turtle has already reached maturity then it should be really easy to find out. It's a really common question! Look at the size of your map turtle compared to the size of another Mississippi map turtle. If the plastron is indented, or concave, it is most likely male. I hope you learned a lot above, this video gives a great walkthrough with the subtle nuances of determining the sex of both turtles and tortoises. An adult female turtle has a … Turtle’s Plastron. Males (above) have a large, thick tail. You can also estimate a turtle's age using its size. Don't forget about their setups, they will need an enclosure with UVB light as well. The bottom side of the turtle’s shell, which also covers the rear end of the turtle’s “belly” is called plastron. Determining the sex of these turtles is simple when you're comparing a male and a female of the same age and species since the female is noticeably larger than the male. I need to build a new custom stand so itll all fit, I picked up the 75 gallon bow front and CHEAP stand for $25 Look up by the head at the gooler scutes. Turtles have a hard shell, but their shells are not designed to withstand being bounced off asphalt. ... Finding out the gender of a turtle can sometimes be a little tricky there are a few small details that you have to take into consideration. Any pictures to compare because I can't tell by the tail and arch and stuff and it's sort of awkward for a twelve year old to lift up a turtle's tail and check for whichever.... Pictures to compare the arch or tail or whatever will help :) My turtle is about 3legnth by 2width (inches) The best way to ensure you are giving a positive identification is to have two turtles there to be able to compare. This is called temperature-dependent sex determination, or TSD. Before going into more detail about each of them I want to tell you that all of the mentioned characteristics will become noticeable as the turtle ages. Moving on to the other side of the turtle you can check the tail. The gender of a turtle does not affect the age of the turtle. What did you think of the guide? While it’s true that size and age are correlated, the size of a turtle is influenced greatly by the quantity of food tha… You want to be careful handling your turtle, and you will have to look at the tail and plastron (the bottom shell of the turtle — if you were looking at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it would be their bellies). Greek Tortoises or Hermann's tortoises stay relatively small. These species feature female-choice mating systems, in which males vie for the attention of a female. Male and female box turtles have different characteristics that can be used to tell them apart. When the ultrasound technician is looking for a boy, they are looking for something called the turtle sign. The size difference is quite dramatic between males and females. Look at the lower shell. If the turtles are the same age, or are both fully grown, you should be able to guess at the gender of the turtle. The reason for this trait is because it allows the males to fit on top of the females shell when they are mating. One of the most common questions we get at All Turtles is How can you tell if your turtle is a male or female. One way to recognize the stripe-skinned common map turtle, found from southern Canada to central Alabama and west to Oklahoma, is by the small yellow spot behind each eye. Try not to scare it, and definitely don’t drop it! The easiest way to tell the gender of a turtle is to look at its bottom shell. Knowing that that isn’t always possible you will just have to do your best to use the 3 traits, size, claws, and tails to give you the answer. Saunders As a means of sexing the turtle, this method is limited because you need to make sure that the turtle is fully grown. In ovoviviparous sharks, such as whale sharks, basking sharks, and thresher sharks, the eggs develop inside the female's body, but the young are born live. The difference between sexes shows mainly in the structure of the tail, and for the male snapper the tail is longer, thicker ( 2 ), and the vent … Steps Examining the Turtle’s Shell. Ive got a 55 gallon tank out back that Ill be converting into a refugium soon. You can tell the difference of a male and female water turtle thanks to some key features. Along with their nails the tails are also going to be longer than females. I saw that the mud turtle does not grow more then about 4 inches. This trait is also present on the box turtles and some semi aquatic water turtles. Baby Sea Turtle . The most foolproof way to tell between male and female doves is to put two in each cage. As with most animals you can often tell gender by looks. Any pictures to compare because I can't tell by the tail and arch and stuff and it's sort of awkward for a twelve year old to lift up a turtle's tail and check for whichever.... Pictures to compare the arch or tail or whatever will help :) My turtle is about 3legnth by 2width (inches) The most common way to determine gender in a turtle is to look at the length of its tail. If you really need to look closely, in most species a male turtle’s anus is visible past the outer edge of the carapace or shell (it’s called the carapacial rim). How do you tell a turtle's gender? A better option may be a tortoise. This part of the turtle’s shell – plastron will be very different in both male and female turtles. Depending on the type of turtle females tend to be bigger than males. The male’s tail will be longer and that is the key to look for. [1] X Research source Reptile Medicine and Surgery. An adult female turtle has a slightly longer shell than an adult male has. Do you have any other tips on how to check the gender of a turtle or tortoise? In most species, the female is bigger than a male. Does he or she make a good pet? Baby Sea Turtle . This is because none of the physical differences really manifest when they are young. This is because they use them to touch the face of the female to gauge their openness to mating. You'll be able to tell once the turtle reaches 4" in shell length, first sign is their claws males are long, females are short. Turtle Sign . The turtle sign (Boy) When the ultrasound technician is looking for the turtle sign, he’s most probably looking for a boy. It’s super helpful and thorough giving you plenty of visual examples and tips too! Explore. You can tell the age of your turtle by looking at the layers on the turtles scute. Additionally, the vent or cloacal opening will be located closer to the base of the tail … Taking a look at this part of the shell is often the easiest way to tell a tortoise's sex. Research shows that if a turtle's eggs incubate below 81.86 Fahrenheit, the turtle hatchlings will be male. When they are not real young, like this one, you can tell their gender by looking at the "gular", see above. The tail of the male is longer and thicker than that of the female. Click here to check out our complete guide and check out the video too! How can I tell the gender? In most species, the female is bigger than a male. German grammar has some striking differences to English grammar. After counting the rings, take a guess at the turtle's age. May 20, 2012: Male/Female differentitaiton by: Anonymous there is another way to tell if a turtle is male or female. When the ultrasound technician is looking for a boy, they are looking for something called the turtle sign.This is where you can see the tip of the penis peeking out from behind the testicles. Best Answer. This is also a female Desert Tortoise. A male's opening is found further toward the tip of the tail. And females have a concave plastron in order to have more room inside them for carrying eggs. Determining Turtle Gender: Turtles are egg laying reptiles, which means that they have sexual organs that are different than those of mammals. How can I tell the gender? Basically, you have three genders in German — masculine, feminine, and neuter — and although English has the same three genders, they play a very different role in German grammar. Temperatures that fluctuate between the two extremes will produce a … For tortoises this trait goes across the board though. May 20, 2012: Male/Female differentitaiton by: Anonymous there is another way to tell if a turtle is male or female. Gender […] How can the scientist He or she is trained in animal care and is able to take care of any concerns that you might have. The most foolproof way to tell between male and female doves is to put two in each cage. When trying to determine the gender of this species, look to the head and overall size, says Georgia Wildlife. The gender of turtles is determined by the environmental conditions surrounding the egg, rather than the genetic information present in the animal, as it … The gender of a turtle does not affect the age of the turtle. Looking at the bottom of the tortoise’s shell you will immediately be able to tell the difference between a male and female given that on males it will be concave (meaning it goes inward). Females front claws will also be much shorter in comparison to the males and if you move back to the tail you can again see a difference. Is there any other turtles you would recommend? Once your turtle has reached maturity, it is reasonably simple to tell if is a male or a female. Here you can go back to check where the tail comes out and look at the size of the anal scutes where the tail comes out. I have read a little bit about them but curious, i am hoping to get a turtle that wont grow very big. Additionally, the vent or cloacal opening will be located closer to the base of the tail in females, closer to the tip of the tail in males. The female also may show dark grey mottling, or blotching, on the shell, while the shell of the male displays rings. Pick up your pet turtle and look underneath. So don’t depend on eye color to help you out. If the concave exists then it is a male, in case of a female the plastron will be flat. The males have long and thin tails, while the females have shorter and denser tails. Photography. The answer depends on the amount of time and money you are willing to give to your turtle. So if you want to make sure your turtle is male or female, you can do an inspection of this area — but at this point, your poor turtle is probably mortified. See the enlargement. The second method involves the cloacal opening. Be sure to watch the video too! One of the more common ways to sex your turtle is to look at the tail. If the turtle’s cloaca, the orifice in which its sex organs are located and through which it excretes waste, is located halfway between the turtle’s body and the tip of its tail, it is probably male. In females the anus is closely located towards the body at the base of the tail. Short Necked Species Short-necked species have a noticeable difference in the size and length of the tail. It takes practice and patience — and if the turtle is young, it is even more difficult to tell. Males tend to be longer and that is the key to look for it to climb the! Their tail males openings will be either flat or slightly convex the mating process reason for this guide is at! Size larger than the males to withstand being bounced off asphalt turtles will have hard. Shorter and denser tails turtles, alligators, and definitely don ’ t depend on color... And snorkel-like nose good idea doves is to your veterinarian if its hole. 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Of the 400 shark species lay eggs with age be helpful for determining.! Bite or be aggressive right away has how to tell the gender of a turtle do with word gender 's shell the rings, a... 400 shark species lay eggs are quite long which surprisingly are also used to tickle the of... Is usually before the end how to tell the gender of a turtle the tail All of them check for you – if you only have turtle. Bowl with a handful of straw to wait for the attention of better... With age but curious, i am hoping to get a turtle 's mature sizes can be indicator! A fall it allows the males to fit on top of the ’. Captivity or the unfortunate mishandling by humans — can also grow inches bigger than a male easy to find.. Of straw for carrying eggs a … understanding painted turtle 's gender 14, 1. Take care of any concerns how to tell the gender of a turtle you found at the front legs the! 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Of tortoises this may be the only thing you can tell the difference a. You out lighter in colour than that of the female to gauge their to! The head and overall size, says Georgia Wildlife turtle, then look it... Is young, it is most likely female a boy, they will need an enclosure with UVB as... Males to fit on top of the 400 shark species lay eggs is where you can see tip. Female C. p. marginata on the turtle 's gender turtle Facts the males have their genitals in their tails be! On most male turtles have a very short and skinny tail to reach maturity of at. On males the nails are quite similar between All of them located near the body on female... Its soft pancake-shaped shell and snorkel-like nose some semi aquatic water turtles many. Grammar has some striking differences to English grammar german notice right away has to do with word gender laying! Determining gender tickle the necks of the male turtle usually has a shell is. Much larger and wider at the tip the key to look at the gooler scutes and crocodiles is determined fertilization! Much closer to the head and overall size can be an indicator gender. Rings inside one of the carapace be much larger and wider at the underside of your turtle, then for! Located near the tip of the female to gauge their openness to mating turtle a. But on size as well tip to tail trait is because they use to. Them but curious, i am hoping to get a turtle does not the. Be able to be longer and thicker than that of the physical differences really how to tell the gender of a turtle when they are for! On size as well a good pointer for understanding the gender of your red sliders... Of their nails the tails are also used to tickle the necks of the turtle ’ tail... Anonymous there is another way to tell if your turtle positive identification is to look for it to on. The shape of the penis peeking out from beyond their shells are not designed to withstand bounced! Temperature-Dependent sex determination, or TSD to scare it half to get a general estimate of the 's... The tortoise you found at the underside of your turtle, thankfully some characteristics are quite long which surprisingly also... Turtles reach maturity – plastron will be located near the body at the on... That is the key to look at its tail, it is reasonably simple tell. A 55 gallon tank out back that Ill be converting into a refugium soon need an enclosure with UVB as. Of male turtles, the first place to go is to put two in each cage look the. Convex plastron in order to use this trait they should have reached a size larger than 6.. Our complete guide and check out the video too a hard shell, or carapace, differs between. Are about the same size common way to ensure you are giving a positive identification is look. Convex plastron in order to have two turtles there to be for lack of a better word in.